Dr Stéphane BESNARD

Dr Stéphane BESNARD

Maître de Conférérence Universitaire - Praticien Hospitalier

Explorations vestibulaires et neurophysiologiques


Maître de Conférence des Universités (M.C.U.)

Praticien Hospitalier (P.H.)

Docteur en Médecine (M.D.)

Docteur en Neuroscience  (Ph.D)

Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR)

Ancien Assistant des Hôpitaux

Ancien Interne des Hôpitaux

Capacité de Médecine Aéronautique et Spatiale

D.I.U. de Médecine Subaquatique et Hyperbare



Membre de la Société Internationale d’Otoneurologie

Membre du comité de pilotage du  Groupe De Recherche « Vertige » (GDR)

Membre du conseil Scientifique de la Société de Physiologie

Membre du conseil scientifique de l’Adaptation Institute




Neurophysiologie et Médecine en milieux extrêmes

Explorations Vestibulaires





Chercheur au Laboratoire UR VERTEX 7480


Chercheur au Laboratoire de Neurosciences Sensorielles et Cognitives (CNRS- Aix-Marseille)


Ancien Chercheur à INSERM U 1075 – COMETE – «COgnition, Mobilité, Equilibre, TEmporalité »


Investigateur Principal pour différents programmes de recherche (NASA, ESA, CNES, ANR, Institut Polaire Français)



Enseignant en Physiologie, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Caen Normandie

Enseignant en Master Activités Physiques Appliquées à la Santé, Université de Caen Normandie

Enseignant en Master Science du Comportement, Université de Caen Normandie

Enseignant à l‘Ecole de Formation des Infirmiers Anesthésistes du CHU de CAEN (IADE)

Enseignant à l’ Institut de Formation en Masso-kinésithérapie de L’Université de CAEN



Editeur invité pour Frontiers in Integrative Neurosciences

Editeur invité pour Frontiers in Psychology

Reviewer régulier dans plus de 15 journaux scientifiques (Scientific Reports, Communications Biology, Neuropsychologia, J Neurophysiol, J Neurol Ped., J Physiol. Pharmacol., Aviat Space Env.Med., Medical Hypotheses, Current Opinion in Alzheimer disease, PLOS ONE, JARO, Brain Behavioral Research,etc…).



Consultation pluridisciplinaire Paralysie Faciale

Consultation pluridisciplinaire Vertiges



RPPS: 10002729696

Secrétariat Service ORL CHU de CAEN :

Mail : besnard-s@chu-caen.fr




Martin T, Dauvilliers Y, Koumar OC, Besnard S, Dauphin F, Bessot N. Dual orexin receptor antagonist induces changes in core body temperature in rats after exercise. Sci Rep. 2019 Dec 5;9(1):18432.

Le Gall A, Hilber P, Chesneau C, Bulla J, Toulouse J, Machado ML, Philoxene B, Smith PF, Besnard S. The critical role of vestibular graviception during cognitive-motor development. Behav Brain Res. 2019 Oct 17;372:

Besnard S, Tighilet B, Chabbert C, Hitier M, Toulouse J, Legall A, Machado ML, Smith PF. Reply to Micarelli et al. Commentary on The Balance of Sleep: Role of the Vestibular Sensory System. Sleep Med Rev. 2019 Apr;44:87-88

Truchet B, Benoit A, Chaillan F, Smith PF, Philoxene B, Guillamin M, Poucet B, Coquerel A, Besnard S.Hippocampal LTP modulation and glutamatergic receptors following vestibular loss. Brain Struct Funct. 2018 Nov 23. doi: 10.1007/s00429-018-1792-0.

Besnard S, Tighilet B, Chabbert C, Hitier M, Toulouse J, Le Gall A, Machado ML, Smith PF.The balance of sleep: Role of the vestibular sensory system. Sleep Med Rev. 2018 ;42:220-228.

Hilber P, Cendelin J, Le Gall A, Machado ML, Tuma J, Besnard S. Cooperation of the vestibular and cerebellar networks in anxiety disorders and depression. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2018;89:310-321

Hitier M, Sato G, Zhang YF, Zheng Y, Besnard S, Smith PF. Vestibular-related eye movements in the rat following selective electrical stimulation of the vestibular sensors. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. 2018 Sep 11.

Benoit A, Besnard S, Guillamin M, Philoxene B, Sola B, Le Gall A, Machado ML, Toulouse J, Hitier M, Smith PF. Differential regulation of NMDA receptor-expressing neurons in the rat hippocampus and striatum following bilateral vestibular loss demonstrated using flow cytometry. Neurosci Lett. 2018 Sep 14;683:43-47

Hitier M, Sato G, Zhang YF, Besnard S, Smith PF. Effects of electrical stimulation of the rat vestibular labyrinth on c-Fos expression in the hippocampus. Neurosci Lett. 2018 Jun 11;677:60-64.

Benoit A, Guillamin M, Aitken P, Smith PF, Philoxene B, Sola B, Poulain L, Coquerel A, Besnard S. Flow cytometry for receptor analysis from ex-vivo brain tissue in adult rat. J Neurosci Methods. 2018 Jul 1;304:11-23.

Aitken P, Benoit A, Zheng Y, Philoxene B, Le Gall A, Denise P, Besnard S, Smith PF. Hippocampal and striatal M1 -muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are down-regulated following bilateral vestibular loss in rats.  Hippocampus. 2016 Dec;26(12):1509-1514. doi: 10.1002/hipo.22651. Epub 2016 Sep 13.

Hitier M, Sato G, Zhang YF, Zheng Y, Besnard S, Smith PF, Curthoys IS. Anatomy and surgical approach of rat’s vestibular sensors and nerves. J Neurosci Methods. 2016

Besnard S, Lopez C, Brandt T, Denise P, Smith PF. Editorial: The Vestibular System in Cognitive and Memory Processes in Mammalians. Front Integr Neurosci. 2015 Nov 10;9:55.

Vignaux G, Besnard S, Denise P, Elefteriou F.The Vestibular System: A Newly Identified Regulator of Bone Homeostasis Acting Through the Sympathetic Nervous System.Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2015 Aug;13(4):198-205.

Martin T, Mauvieux B, Bulla J, Quarck G, Davenne D, Denise P, Philoxene B, Besnard S. Vestibular loss disrupts daily rhythms in rats. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2015 118(3):310-8.

Hitier M, Besnard S, Smith PF.Vestibular pathways involved in cognition.Front Integr Neurosci. 2014 Jul 23;8:59.

Machado ML, Lelong-Boulouard V, Philoxene B, Davis A, Denise P, Besnard S. Vestibular loss promotes procedural response during a spatial task in rats. Hippocampus. 2014

Kamsu JM, Constans JM, Lamberton F, Courtheoux P, Denise P, Philoxene B, Coquemont M, Besnard S. Structural layers of ex vivo rat hippocampus at 7T MRI. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 26;8(9)

Vignaux G, Besnard S, Ndong J, Philoxène B, Denise P, Elefteriou F. Bone remodeling is regulated by inner ear vestibular signals. J Bone Miner Res. 2013

Machado ML, Kroichvili N, Freret T, Philoxène B, Lelong-Boulouard V, Denise P, Besnard S Spatial and non-spatial performance in mutant mice devoid of otoliths Neurosci Lett. 2012; 522(1):57-61

Machado ML, Lelong-Boulouard V, Smith PF, Freret T, Philoxene B, Denise P, Besnard S. Influence of anxiety in spatial memory impairments related to the loss of vestibular function in rat. Neuroscience. 2012;218:161-9.

Vignaux G, Chabbert C, Gaboyard-Niay S, Travo C, Machado ML, Denise P, Comoz F, Hitier M, Landemore G, Philoxène B, Besnard S.Evaluation of the chemical model of vestibular lesions induced by arsanilate in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012 Jan 1;258(1):61-71. Epub 2011 Oct 14.

Besnard S, Machado ML, Vignaux G, Boulouard M, Coquerel A, Bouet V, Freret T, Denise P, Lelong-Boulouard V. Influence of vestibular input on spatial and nonspatial memory and on hippocampal NMDA receptors. Hippocampus.  2012 22(4):814-26

Hitier M, Besnard S, Vignaux G, Denise P, Moreau S. The ventrolateral surgical approach to labyrinthectomy in rats: anatomical description and clinical consequences. Surg Radiol Anat. 2010 Jul 4.


Balestra C, Kot J, Efrati S, Guerrero F, Blatteau JE, Besnard S. Editorial: Extreme Environments in Movement Science and Sport Psychology. Front Psychol. 2018; 9:2391

Balestra C, Machado ML, Theunissen S, Balestra A, Cialoni D, Clot C, Besnard S, Kammacher L, Delzenne J, Germonpré P, Lafère P. Critical Flicker Fusion Frequency: A Marker of Cerebral Arousal During Modified Gravitational Conditions Related to Parabolic Flights. Front Physiol. 2018 Oct 2;9:1403. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01403. eCollection 2018.

Zheng Y, Gliddon CM, Aitken P, Stiles L, Machado ML, Philoxene B, Denise P, Smih PF, Besnard S. Effects of acute altered gravity during parabolic flight and/or vestibular loss on cell proliferation in the rat dentate gyrus. Neurosci Lett. 2017 Jul 27;654:120-124.

Golding JF, Paillard AC, Normand H, Besnard S, Denise P. Prevalence, Predictors, and Prevention of Motion Sickness in Zero-G Parabolic Flights. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2017 Jan 1;88(1):3-9

Chazalviel L, Blatteau JE, Vallée N, Risso JJ, Besnard S, Abraini JH. Effects of normobaric versus hyperbaric oxygen on cell injury induced by oxygen and glucose deprivation in acute brain slices. Med Gas Res. 2016 Oct 14;6(3):169-173. eCollection 2016 Jul-Sep.

Chazalviel L, Haelewyn B, Degoulet M, Blatteau JE, Vallée N, Risso JJ, Besnard S, Abraini JH. Hyperbaric oxygen increases tissue-plasminogen activator-induced thrombolysis in vitro, and reduces ischemic brain damage and edema in rats subjected to thromboembolic brain ischemia. Med Gas Res. 2016 Jul 11;6(2):64-69. eCollection 2016 Apr-Jun.

Chazalviel L, David HN, Haelewyn B, Blatteau JE, Vallée N, Risso JJ, Besnard S, Abraini JH. The underestimated effect of normobaric hyperoxia on cerebral blood flow and its relationship to neuroprotection. Brain. 2016 Nov 1;139(11):e62

Luxa N, Salanova M, Schiffl G, Gutsmann M, Besnard S, Denise P, Clarke A, Blottner D.Increased myofiber remodelling and NFATc1-myonuclear translocation in rat postural skeletal muscle after experimental vestibular differentiation. J Vestib Res. 2013

Arbeille P, Besnard S, Kerbeci P, Monty DM Portal vein cros-sectional area flow and orthostatic tolerance : a 90-day bed rest study. J Appl Physiol, 2005;99(5):1853-7

Arbeille P, Kerbeci P, Besnard S, Montoya A, Dupui P. Influence of eye closing on the cardiovascular response to stand test on stable and unstable platforms. J Gravit Physiol. 2004 ;11(2):P85-6.

Besnard S, Roumy J, Tobal N, Herault S, Porcher M, Boulay J, Arbeille P Venous stagnation induced by 7 days in HDT, in the cerebral, ophtalmic, renal and splanchnic territories. J Gravit Physiol. 2002;9(1):75-6.

Roumy J, Herault S, Tobal N, Besnard S, Arbeille P Effect of a venotonic agent on the main arteries and veins during a 5 day HDT. Acta Astronaut. 2001 ;49(3-10):161-6.

Arbeille P, Herault S, Roumy J, Porcher M, Besnard S, Vieyres P. 3D realtime echography and echography assisted by a robotic arm for investigating astronauts in the ISS from the ground. J Gravit Physiol. 2001; 8(1):143-4.


Machado ML, Lefèvre N, Philoxene B, Le Gall A, Madeleine S, Fleury P, Smith PF, Besnard S. New software dedicated to virtual mazes for human cognitive investigations. J Neurosci Methods. 2019 Nov 1;327

Dupuy EG, Leconte P, Vlamynck E, Sultan A, Chesneau C, Denise P, Besnard S, Bienvenu B, Decker LM.Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Hypermobility Type: Impact of Somatosensory Orthoses on Postural Control (A Pilot Study).Front Hum Neurosci. 2017 Jun 8;11:283

Burbaud P, Clair AH, Langbour N, Fernandez-Vidal S, Goillandeau M, Michelet T, Bardinet E, Chéreau I, Durif F, Polosan M, Chabardès S, Fontaine D, Magnié-Mauro MN, Houeto JL, Bataille B, Millet B, Vérin M, Baup N, Krebs MO, Cornu P, Pelissolo A, Arbus C, Simonetta-Moreau M, Yelnik J, Welter ML, Mallet L; French Stimulation dans le Trouble Obsessionnel Compulsif Study Group. Neuronal activity correlated with checking behaviour in the subthalamic nucleus of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Brain. 2013 Jan

Besnard S, Khemiri H, Masse F, Denise P, Verdaguer M, Gestreau C. Differential respiratory control of the upper airway and diaphragm muscles induced by 5-HT1A receptor ligands. Sleep Breath. 2011 Jan 9

Besnard S, Decressac M, Jaber M, Denise P, Gaillard G In vivo deep brain recordings of intranigral grafted cells in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease pour Neuroreport 2010 12;21(7):485-9

Gaillard A, Decressac M, Frappé I, Fernagut PO, Prestoz L, Besnard S, Jaber M. Anatomical and functional reconstruction of the nigrostriatal pathway by intranigral transplants. Neurobiol Dis. 2009; 35(3):477-88.

Besnard S, Denise P, Cappelin B, Dutschmann M, Gestreau C.Stimulation of the rat medullary raphe nuclei induces differential responses in respiratory muscle activity. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2009; 165(2-3):208-14.

Besnard S, Masse F, Verdaguer M, Cappelin B, Meurice JC, Gestreau C   Time and dose-related effects of three 5-HT receptor ligands on the genioglossus activity in anesthetized and conscious rats  Sleep and Breathing 2007 11(4):275-84.

Besnard S. Neurological control of the upper airways: new therapeutic leads?
Rev Mal Respir. 2006; Spec No 2:7S87-7S89.

Besnard S, Philippot M, Hervé Ph, Porcher M, Arbeille Ph, Vascular distribution of an ultrasound contrast agent used to simulate decompression bubbles  Aviat Space Environ Med. 2006 ;77(8):846-51.

Besnard S, Beaume A, Gil R, Oriot D, Loiseau MN Hashimoto’s encephalopathy in a eleven-years-old adolescent treated with Immunoglobulin Therapy   J Pediatr Neurol 2006; 4(3): 187-193

Paquereau J, Besnard S, Stal V, Neau JP, Meurice JC. Polysomnographic aspects of sleep and respiration in the normal subject Rev Mal Respir. 2004;21(2 Pt 2):S13-25.

Fouks JD, Besnard S, Signac L, Meurice JC, Neau JP, Paquereau J  Do robots need to sleep? Neurophysiol Clin. 2004;34(2):59-70.

Jeanty P, Besnard S, Arnold A,  Turner C, Crum P    Air-contrast sonohysterography as a first step assessment of tubal patency. J Ultrasound Med. 2000;19(8):519-27.